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About Rodrigo Gabuya


Rodrigo Gabuya was raised in Rolling Hills Estates, California. He was taught at a young age that if you want something in life, you have to work hard for it. As the years went by, Rodrigo worked his way to being the top Real Estate Banker in the company and then as a top Realtor in the next year, never wavering in his resolve to become the best version of himself with each career move.

Rodrigo Gabuya’s fascination with real estate started at a very young age. His father introduced him to real estate through books and had planted the idea that investing in real estate was something to strive for. As a youth, Rodrigo’s weekends were often spent riding in the back seat of the family car as his father looked at real estate investments around Los Angeles.

Today Rodrigo is an experienced Realtor of more than 24 years and has a demonstrated history of working in many facets of the real estate industry. He is skilled in Probate, Trusts, RE Finance, Mortgage Banking, Investment RE, Luxury Homes, and RE Sales. Rodrigo’s specialized training, experience, and skilled resources brings successful results to complicated transactions when others cannot.

Learn more about Roderigo at
